Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Truth About What I Am Doing...

I have been asked many questions, and have had much conversation, about the Soul’s Journey I am on so I thought I would dispel any myths, and answer some of the questions I have heard and explain as best as I can what this Soul’s Journey is all about.

Myths, facts and questions answered:

Q: How did this journey come about?
        I believe all things happen for a reason and with that in mind, many events took place and transpired (really over the course of years and this lifetime) to line things up for me to travel at this time. First and foremost I am not on a vacation and I am not traveling just for fun. I was guided to take this trip, this mission of the heart to not only heal my life/soul and learn myself better (one can only know others when they truly know themselves) but to share my experiences with the world, first with this blog then with a book, to support others in matters of the heart and soul!

Let’s see if I can sum this up in a nutshell (the full story will be in my book). I made a decision to move from the San Francisco Bay Area to Midtown, Sacramento. Once I made the decision to do so (moving by myself and living by myself for the first time ever) all events lined up for me to do so, very quickly. I made a verbal agreement with a landlord to rent the 2nd floor of a Victorian house. The space was going to be my work and living space combined. The space was ideal for workshops, classes and for coaching my clients on a one on one basis. I had about 6 months left on disability so it seemed like the perfect time for me to build my Soul Coaching business in Sacramento (while saving a good amount of money since the place I would be renting was half the price I was paying for in the Bay) however, just two weeks after moving in, my landlord said that she decided not to rent to me and gave me a 30-day notice to vacate. I was devastated, for a few hours, then started seeing the opportunity in front of me. Conversations all around me, for the few weeks prior to my moving, had been pointing me in the direction of traveling, like I had always dreamed of doing, but I didn’t feel I could back out of the lease I was about to sign. Well now, I didn’t have to worry about that, did I? Without having to pay rent I could now use the money I allotted for rent for my travel expenses. So, I made an intention to travel and things lined up for me to do so however, the things that lined up were rarely, if ever, wrapped up in a pretty box with a bow. I sold all of my furniture and gave all my belongings (I only kept things that could not be replaced) to friends, family and not-for profit organizations. I stored all of my belongings in a 5x10 storage space and set out on the road on July 16th (in a rental car, which is another really long story that will be in my book) to see as much of the United States, and people I haven’t seen in years.

Q: How long will you be on this trip?
        I have mostly been divinely guided on this trip and have not made a whole lot of concrete plans. This has allowed me to meet some great people, to stay with later along my journey, and stay places I had not planned on and for my energy and life to flow in such a way to allow amazing spiritual growth. At this point it is my aim and goal to make this a one-year journey of the soul and to write my book about a year on the road! 

Q: Are you going through a mid-life crisis?
        I love this question and the first time it was asked to me was by a 21 year-old young man in Memphis, TN. I can see why someone might ask this but it is far from what is going on with me. Instead of any sort of crisis (and I refuse to believe this is mid-life for me, I often feel so young) this is a true journey of complete desire and honoring of my soul. I always dreamed of and imagined traveling through Europe but am discovering so many wonderful things about this great country of ours while discovering many more wonderful things about myself. I am completely living a life of desire and flow!

Q: When will you go home?
        I no longer consider California my home. It is where I was born and raised and lived almost all of my adult life but I do not have plans on going back there to live. I am not sure what is in store for me and/or where I will end up. All I know is I will call a new place home once I fall in love with a new area. I want to explore and live a life full of adventure and wonder…as much as possible!

Q: Why are you traveling across the USA and what are you trying to find/do?
        I have lived a life mostly based on what I was supposed to do or what was expected of me. I do not regret anything. All of my life experiences have made me who I am today and I am right where I am meant to be. I no longer want to learn about people and places through a book or a documentary. It is my desire to meet people from all walks of life and get to know them and what experiences they have had to make them who they are today. It is my desire to live a life without fear and to experience as much joy and love as possible. On this journey, if something scares me and gives me a pit in my stomach then I set out to do it. In doing so, thus far, I have climbed a 600-foot rock in Arizona; hiked 6 miles down a river in Utah; rode on the back of a Harley around the Grand Canyon; have camped alone in New Mexico (at a Spiritual Retreat), Colorado, and Florida; stayed at a clothing optional home in Tennessee (yes this will be in my book too!); stayed with Rednecks in the outskirts in Alabama; backpacked along the Appalachian Trail in Georgia; stayed with countless people I have never met and have met dozens of fabulous people. It is my desire to keep collecting these amazing experiences in order to add to my book all of the wonders of living a life despite any fears. One of my favorite sayings is that we only grow outside of our comfort zone and I have found this to be true!

Q: How are you financially affording this trip?
        VERY carefully, very frugally and not very easily! I hate to say that (the not very easily part) because that is not positive and does not allow the flow of abundance into my life but it has taken a lot of effort on my part to ensure I don’t spend much money. When I set out on the road I had a little disability I collected and once I was done collecting that I began doing Virtual Assisting work (I was an Executive Assistant for years in Corporate America). All along I used a website called CouchSurfing for my lodging. It is an awesome site full of travelers who love and respect travelers and allow them to stay at their place, for free, while traveling. It has been an awesome resource for me while on the road. I very rarely paid for lodging in the 4 months I have been on the road due to that site, family I have stayed with, and friends….new and old. As I write this I am staying with a family I met while camping in the Smoky Mountains and will spend Thanksgiving with them.

   I am starting my own Virtual Assisting company (I no longer have the client I was doing work for since it was a temporary assignment) so I am able to make money from anywhere and can travel as much and as long as I desire! I am also researching other methods of making money while on the road and have started a GoFundMe account to ask family and friends to make a donation to support me in this mission and help me complete and publish this book! 
Please consider making a donation (ANY amount is appreciated) at: and please spread the word!


  1. The road to self discovery is always a good thing... no matter how you do it. The realization is in the WHEN not the how and the why. I'm proud of your Soul's journey and your purpose and or reason. Finding your path whether in California or beyond makes you a stronger, brighter and fulfilled soul. Wishing you the best on this Thanksgiving Holiday and wishing you the best .....Love you much, Buddy. NOTE: Never say, never.... sometimes a journey can take you right back to center. Even in California.

  2. Thank you so much Elayne for continuing to read and comment on my blog posts. I agree that self-discovery is the important thing. It doesn't matter when it happens, just that it does. Also, I try not to never say never….lol Although I don't have plans to land back in CA, I am open to that as a possibility. Being open to everything and attached to nothing is my new motto! Much love!!
